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New Year, New Season!

New School Year, New Season! I's time to kick off the new school year - and Statesmen Theatre's brand-new theatre season! Our fall play, Blue Stockings, is a riveting drama that takes place in Victorian England, in which women were permitted to study in college, but not allowed to graduate. The play follows four brave young women who fight for their rights against an entire sexist society - and their own self-doubts - to graduate and pursue careers. Come see this moving and inspiring feminist drama in early November. Auditions coming in early September. Our Winter One-Act Festival (of student-written, directed & produced plays was such a hit last year in its inaugural bow that we're doing it again this year! Plays will be announced shortly and auditions will happen in late November. Please note the dates have changed from the initial announcement (due to a Music Department trip & Science Fair dates). The NEW dates for the Festival are February 16-18. And for our Spring Musical, we're going back to Xanadu! Longtime Statesmen Theatre fans may remember that Xanadu was the Musical COVID Cancelled in the spring of 2020. But we're taking another go at rolling across the finish line - with freshman cast members now seniors! It's a goofy, silly pop musical about a Greek muse who comes to help a California street artist realize his highest artistic dream - of opening a roller disco! (We told you it was silly!) With music by Electric Light Orchestra featuring songs made popular by the recently deceased Olivia Newton John from the infamous movie musical bomb! Auditions will happen in early January, and the play opens in early May! Get ready to party like it's 1980! Stay tuned here to find out more news, and for more up-to-the-minute, late breaking announcements, follow us on Facebook (Statesmen Theatre), Instagram (statesmentheatre) and Twitter (@GCMTheatre).


(703) 714-5400

©2024 by Statesmen Theatre at Marshall High School

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